
My story about Haven

When I first heard about this blogging conference called Haven I thought "oh that looks
awesome." So I checked out prices for flights, hotel, my Haven ticket, and thought I 
can't will not be able to afford to go. However, I still thought about it all of the time AND
to top it off my dear friend Ange from The Blooming Hydrangea won a free ticket to Haven.
Time went by and thought maybe I could be lucky like Ange and win a free ticket.
Every time there was a giveaway she emailed me and I literally entered every Haven
ticket giveaway imaginable, but no dice.  

Fast forward a couple of months and a week ago I was on Facebook and came across a posting
by Amy at All in a Day and she had posted that she has a ticket to Haven, but unfortunately
couldn't go. She asked if anyone out there would like to purchase her ticket. I think I re-read her
post a couple times and when I came to I wrote her and said "yes, I would, please, and thank you".

Haven Maven


  1. I thought about going too...but when I added it all up I just couldn't swing it. I hope you have a wonderful adventure! You'll have to tell us all about it when you get back.

  2. That's awesome! I saw your post on the Haven page about needing a roomie still so I popped over here to check out your page. Any chance you're still looking for someone to room with? I'm going as well but don't know anybody else who is and would love to split the cost of the room with someone! Just let me know! And either way, hopefully we get a chance to meet!


I appreciate your comments. I love interacting so please let me know your thoughts. Thanks for hanging with me