
Picture Wall Gallery

I have been wanting to get my picture wall done and by golly I got it done. 

I took all the frames I had lying around along with my thrift store sign "Simplify" and played around with several    different layouts.  This is what I came up with, not too nbsp;bad for being such a scardy cat.  I quickly took a picture of the layout, just in case.

Then I traced around each frame onto scrap paper to cut out and hang them on the wall as my template.   

Oh yes, please don't forget to measure the location  of the hanger on the back of the frame.  You'll need  the two measurements for the proper location of the nail hole.  Don't forget to mark the nail hole with an "x" on your template.  Lastly, I used a hard back book about 1-1 1/2" wide to use as a spacer between all of my pictures.  Now it's time to do some hanging and remember you have all the frames on the floor as your reference and the digital picture I took, I almost forgot!

My handy, dandy level.  You need it, you need it.  Once you have all the cut outs placed on the wall you'll need to make sure each piece is level.  I placed the actual picture over each template page and checked each picture to make sure that little bubble was right in the middle. 
It makes my heart so warm and fuzzy when it's right on the money, I mean level.

It's coming together, slow but sure and level. 

Too many photos to choose from, color or black and white?  I bet you have a pile like this too... 

Ta Dah.....I'm done! So worth it I must say


  1. Looks great! You did a much better job than I did with hanging them. I just pretty much picked a spot and nailed it up there. I am sure that your way was better because I have about 20 nail holes that need to be filled in yet. ;)

  2. love it!! I should use yoru approach next time around. I might have less holes in my wall : )


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