
For the love of oak

Just a quick post showing off some of my oak kitchen and how "cool" it can be.  If your out in blog land you know that an oak kitchen or even oak trim is not as common anymore.  However I'm still here with oak everywhere and I'm not ok with it.  No, you can still make a beautiful home with oak, but white does makes everything  look so crisp and clean.  I'll keep dreaming!  

Here are couple snap shots of my kitchen for my dear friend Ange at The Blooming Hydrangea...doing this just for you little lady!!  Please note I didn't edit or crop any of these pictures.

My pantry holds almost everything in the kitchen because it's relatively small.
What I've found with the oak trim(my oak trim has some red in it) that green
goes very well with it.  I used Hillside Green, there's a swatch in the current
Pottery Barn catalog.  I love the color!

Here's a peak inside and take a look at my pantry makeover.

We added some granite counter tops about two years ago, they help the oak pop too...

We are blessed to have cream colored appliances, no stainless steel here and it's ok

This is what's for dinner tonight, see there's a miscellaneous handle in the picture.
Didn't edit at all :)

The quickest post ever done, really...just for Ange@The Blooming Hydrangea


  1. We painted our oak cabinets white a while back- our oak was much darker (and uglier) than yours. We are in the process of painting all the baseboards now - it's hard work- sometimes I wish I hadn't started but I know I'll be happy when it's all done. LOVE the green in your kitchen - it does look good with the wood.

  2. Oh Andrea! Thank you for posting this just for me. :) Love the green, the granite and the pantry! I actually don't mind your oak, it looks great. We'll see how I like mine in a few weeks. Hugs and blessings!!!


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