
New look

Great news....I am excited to share with you that Our Blue Front Door has a brand new look, yeap she got a little face lift(no pain involved though, promise).  Since I started blogging a couple months ago I had always tossed around the idea of getting my blog professionally designed and I am so glad I did.  The process was easy and Jenn at Munchkin Land Designs was such a joy to work with.  Can I just tell you she is extremely P.A.T.I.E.N.T. and probably has more patience since she's worked with me.  I am kind of a perfectionist, and I just can't help it.  Jenn and I are still tweaking it a bit, but am excited to have my blog organized, consistent, and most of all beautiful. 

If you are redesigning your blog or just getting started, go see Jenn.  Thank you Jenn!   


  1. I am soooo excited for you, Andrea! Your new blog design looks amazing! I love your new banner, layout and font. It's the perfect combination of whimsy, fresh, fun and uniquenwss. Beautiful!

  2. That should be uniqueness (is that a word...)


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